a) Bottle tags, bottle-neck tag
b) Bottle packaging
c) Bottle display
A variety of shapes and materials are available!
Materials: PVC, APET, PETG, PET, GAG or PP, cardboard solid board
Material version: Folding box, thermoforming inserts, precuts made of foil or cardboard; printable
d) Sleeves
Materials: APET, PET GAG or PVC
Material version: sealable, weldable, printable
Technical specifications:
- according to customer requirements
- possible with Euro-perforation
- deep-drawn / punched / grooved
Mounting options:
- sleeved / plugged / bound
e) extra solutions
We look forward to working with you to develop your ideas!
Why on-packs from TECHNOFLEX are the convincing choice:
According to your individual ideas, we will develop the ideal packaging for your product to not only optimize the protection of your product but also to enhance the product presentation.